Huayna Picchu and Mountain Machu Picchu: How to differentiate them?

Walking through the citadel of Machu Picchu is an unforgettable experience. Appreciating its perfectly embedded stone walls, learning how the Incas built it taking into consideration its worldview and connection with nature, discovering that each of its sections has a reason in its structure and orientation. But there are also other ways to enjoy it outside the traditional circuit.

For those who like walks or want a little more adrenaline, Machu Picchu offers two magnificent options. With its reopening after so many months closed to the public, the ascent to Huayna Picchu and the Machu Picchu mountain are the cherry of the cake of any visit to the citadel, experiences that will allow you to see this jewel of architecture from another angle.

Do you know how to differentiate them? If you have no idea, we tell you:

1. Huayna Picchu

The Huayna Picchu mountain is undoubtedly the best known: it is the one that appears in the background in all the photos and postcards of Machu Picchu. The ascent can take between 45 minutes and one hour, with steep stairs and narrow roads that surround the mountain next to intimidating abysses. It is an experience not suitable for those who suffer from vertigo, but if they can overcome their fear, the view from the top will be worth every step.

If you have more time, within the Huayna Picchu circuit is the Temple of the Moon or the Great Cave, a wonderful construction made inside a stone cave. The whole route takes approximately between three and four hours.

2. Machu Picchu mountain

When Machu Picchu is mentioned, confusion can be generated. However, the relationship is very simple: the Inca citadel is at the foot of the Machu Picchu mountain. That is, from the top of it you can see both the archaeological site and the Huayna Picchu, the Vilcabamba mountain range and the snowy sakantay. All in the same landscape.

The Machu Picchu mountain is perfect for tourists looking for a less challenging path and with few people traveling it. The ascent is approximately two hours and is not vertical as in Huayna Picchu, ideal to enjoy the landscape and recharge from the energy of the citadel.

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